Original FARPE dataset

The original FARPE dataset provides data on protest events by promienent far-right collective actors in 12 European countries. In each country, FARPE retrieved all protest events in which selected collective actors have engaged between 2008-2018. While this dataset does not measure the full extent of far-right protest mobilization in a country, the ‘actor-centered’ approach permits to come as close as possible to a full list of all protest events in which the most active social movement, movement party, or political party have partaken.

Short Description
Protest events by most active far-right collective actor
Dataset name
Country selection
Austria, Bulgaria, Estonia, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Italy, Poland, Slovakia, Sweden, United Kingdom
Selected far-right groups
Identitare Bewegung; VMRO; EKRE ; Les Identitaires; NPD; PEGIDA; Golden Dawn; Jobbik; CasaPound Italia; Ruch Narodowy; ĽSNS; Nordiska Motståndsrörelsen; EDL; Britain First
Time span
National quality newspapers and group websites
All issues
Release date

Interactive data visualization

Yearly number of far-right protest events by FARPE actors

Location of far-right protest events

Monthly nr of protest events

Issue focus of far-right protests


FARPE codebook
FARPE dataset value labels
FARPE final documentation

How to cite

The data is all freely available to download and use, as long as you cite the Observatory as follows.

Recommended reference for FARPE data
Castelli Gattinara Pietro, Froio Caterina, et Pirro Andrea. (2022) Far‐right protest mobilisation in Europe: Grievances, opportunities and resources. European Journal of Political Research, 61(4), 1019-1041. https://doi.org/10.1111/1475-6765.12484.

Recommended reference for CFP data
Available upon data release

Credit for media use
Castelli Gattinara Pietro, Caterina Froio, Andrea Pirro, Iris Beau Segers and Anders Ravik Jupskas, The Far-Right Protest Observatory, farpo.eu