dataset_id;country_code/string;source_code/string;event_ID;Event_lev_code/string;typeact1_n;countermob_code/string;protform_code/string;protform_other;issue1_code/string;issue_other;event_descr count 1_N;1         Austria;1 Newspapers ;country-based event identifier;1 Local (district/town or province/region) ;1 Political party;0 No counter-mobilization ;1 Public assembly;;1. National identity and culture;; ;2         Bulgaria;2 Party website;Hungary n/a;2 National (state level);2 Formal social movement organisation, civil society organisation, or other type of organisation;1 Verbal counter-mobilization (public statements against event or actor);2 March, demonstration (legal and non-violent);;2. Immigration and multiculturalism;; ;3         Estonia;Hungary n/a;;3 Supranational (including EU level);3 Militia group or guard (armed or non-armed);2 Contentious counter-mobilization (protest and counter-actions, boycotts, incl. confrontation/violence) ;3 Vigil/picket;;3. Security, order, law enforcement and terrorism;; ;4         France;;;;4 Informal groups, sports and recreational groups;99 Unknown/no information available;4 Direct and solidarity actions (e.g. food distribution, charity, direct interventions);;4. National minorities abroad and irredentism ;; ;5         Germany;;;;5 Music bands (e.g. ‘national rock’, ‘identity rock’);;"5 Online action (only if contentious, e.g. racist and hate speech; mail bombing, hackering) ";;5. Roma population and Roma criminality;; ;6         Greece;;;;6 Trade union and professional groups;;6 Symbolic action (street theatre, masks, cultural performances etc.);;6. Jews, anti-Semitism and anti-Zionism ;; ;7         Poland;;;;7 Other group;;7 Non-authorised or illegal demonstration (if non-violent);;7. Islam;; ;8         Slovakia;;;;99  Unknown ;;8 Boycott ;;8. Anti-communism and anti-Bolshevism;; ;9         Sweden;;;;;;9 Strike;;9. Anti-elitism and corruption;; ;10      UK;;;;;;10 Self-mutilation (e.g. hunger strike, suicide);;10. Political opponents (e.g. parties and movements, leaders, NGOs, foundations);; ;11      Hungary;;;;;;11 Blockade (e.g. road blocks, occupation of squares);;11. Europe, European integration, and the EU (incl. the euro) ;; ;12      Italy;;;;;;12 Occupation of buildings or similar;;12. Home affairs and personal defence;; ;;;;;;;13 Disturbance of meetings (e.g. sabotage and interruption of public events, blitz);;13. Foreign policy (incl. pro-Palestine);; ;;;;;;;14 Symbolic confrontation (e.g. farmers dumping animal dung in front of a government building);;14. Industry, energy, agriculture, and environment;; ;;;;;;;15 Threats (e.g. murder or beating, bomb threat);;15. Monetary politics and the economy (incl. taxes and taxation);; ;;;;;;;16 Symbolic violence (e.g. burning puppets or flags, throwing eggs or paint);;16. Banks;; ;;;;;;;17 Limited destruction of property (e.g. breaking windows) ;;17. Welfare, retirement and pension schemes ;; ;;;;;;;18 Violent demonstration ;;18. Healthcare;; ;;;;;;;19 Arson and bomb attacks, and other severe destruction of property ;;19. Justice;; ;;;;;;;20 Physical violence against people (individual and collective: fights, brawls, political murder, etc.) ;;20. Civil rights (e.g. gender equality, abortion, same-sex marriage);; ;;;;;;;Other (explain in PROTHOTHER);;21. Youth;; ;;;;;;;;;22. Education and IT;; ;;;;;;;;;23. Family issues, religion, and Church-state relations;; ;;;;;;;;;24. The media and the press;; ;;;;;;;;;25. Freedom of speech and political correctness;; ;;;;;;;;;26. Anniversaries and memory;; ;;;;;;;;;27. Other;;